
The first Term (09)

The last term I began the speciality in my career, the social anthropology, and this did that the term was more difficult, because the subjects were specifics, but I could choose its. Some subjects were hard to bear because i dislike these, other were very interesting and easy. Regarding to the evaluations, in the end of the term were awful. The works in groups and exams were a lot only in a month, its was very hard.However, in this term I had a very good experience. In a subject of Etnology, we went to Socoroma, nert to Arica. We participated in a religious rites in andina cultures, and this was a wonderful experience and the best in the term, and the best in the career so far. Backing around the evaluations, my marks don´t was the better, but I could finish the term not so well. On the whole, the last term was good because I learned other things, the subjects are more near and near of my career and the future job. The third year is hard in my career, because define that you going to do in the future. Nevertheless, I feel so well. I trust that this is my career and I couldn`t be in other.


Blogger Experience

It has been an interesting experience. I had a blog before, but only publish two posts. The subject of my blog don`t was any interesting, only I did it because I want had one. I had visisted very blogs, of music, books, my career, movies, and others, and very music blogs to download albums.
This was the reaseon becuase I knew something of blogs. But only where I had could develop an real activity is in English 3. The frequency in that we had wrotes blogs help in develop an hability to wrote and the creativity. I had could know and use this web tool, and meet this opportinity to express onself and ours interesting. the blogger experience has been better for do the english sessions more amused and participatives. Is more funny do works in bloggs than in writtens in papper. I had developed better the capacity of write in english and create texts in differents subjects.


the Ideal Work

Its very hard, and very difficult know the job that I would like in the future.

I like the anthropology of development, this area work in social investigation to help projects and carry out, the anthropology offer new points of view to see the projects, and its objective is put in common the people with the companys. This job is a office work. In others areas, the anthropology do investigation like "fieldwork", this means that the researcher go to the people, go where this object of study live and develop this culture: in this job, the antropology work in the real life, with the people, in "out doors". This areas are very different about this places of work, but are similars because doing the same: social investigation.
Wherever, this areas are my ideals jobs, when I will be graduated, I can choose and follow it that I will wish for my life and can contribute in the anthropology and help to the people.


My favorite subject

In this semester my favorite subject is Genre anthropology. Well, really in the beginning I didn`t like to take this subject, because I knew that this was boring, with strong feminist ideology and shut off from others ideas.But I make a mistake. This subject offers many ideas and news points of view to see the history,the life, the inequality, and in the occidental history women and men have built a difference excluying the women`s speech. The genres concept is a new idea to define those differences betwen women and men considerating the human body and the cutural construcction that is the genre. Male and female were two concepts that define the differences and their especial characteristic that separate a woman from a man. The Genre anthropology offers the points of view to see the female and male like a cultural difference that doesn´t mean inequality.

The best in my area

My area have a lot goods anthropologiests, but each one in a diferent areas or theory. In simbolic anthropology, Clifford Geertz is very important because he emphasis the simbolic anthropology not like an "area of estudy" but a point of view that the anthropologiest can do it for the investigation, the analysis or the fieldwork. Geertz is famous american anthropologiest and one of the best because he offer a new view to see the anthropology work , without abandon other points of view. Geertz offer too diferents opinions and definitions from the fieldwork: the etnography. The etnography`s Geertz is a complex interpretation that the reseacher do for understand the culture or the means that the "native" has for his do. Levi-Strauss is other best anthropologiest and the "father" of "structuralism", an important theory for the social sciences. He is famous french anthropologiest and he offer too a definition for the etnography: The etnography is the grounding for the anthropology knowledge. It`s very hard to choose an antropologiest, because they are a lot very goods, but I feel that Geertz is too an good writer! His books are very lovely and interesting, he `s a very nice man, meek and a good anthropology. I admire him.


My career

The anthropology is a social sciense about the study of the humans cultures. Anthropology means "estudy of the the human"or "the men". This career is an investigation to see and develop a work that wish approach to the significance of the culture in the dialogue, rituals, and every that the humans does in the life. This career in the University of Chile is five years long: in the first and second years, is the "common plan", about introduce in the anthropology and its areas of estudy. In the third year, the student choose an especiality (areas of anthropology), that are: Physical anthropology, Archeology, and Social anthropology. This areas of estudy does research about: the body humans, this changes and evolutions; the ancients cultures or "the past" throughout its materials; and the cultures of the actually groups, thats changes, characteristics, problems and all. The anthropology offers diferents areas of reseachs: the anthropology can work in all: you, like anthropology or student, choose your road, you get on in life, the antrhopoly give that technical and knowledge that you need to doing all.

My future

Well, really I couldn´t see my future. Maybe I finish my career and find a good job (it is my greatest wish), and I will be able to support me. In this moment of my career, (third of social anthropology) I know that I would like me to dedicate to the development. The development anthropology is a subject of the aplicattion´s anthropology, and these is where the antropologiest can be of a lot of help when the big or small companies, organizations or institutions need a consult to develop politics or projects with a new and integral point of view. I could work in this, but I need years of experience. In five years more, I could be post graduate, work, live without my parents and go away of the city. I like the city and the country, but my wish is could be help in the field companies, and live in rural zone. I will comeback anytime, because I dont´like abandon my family and my favorites places in the city. Well, maybe in five years more, I´m going to be with a boyfriend, the projects changes but not the ideas and wishes. My future is created by me, and in this moment I´m doing it.


To see the stars

This photograph is wonderful! In this photo, we went in Socoroma, at night. I`m not in the photo, because I took it, but they are my friends. We are classmates in Etnology: Andinas Cultures, and we went to Socoroma, in Arica. Socoroma is a small town in the north of Chile, it has beautiful places, and in that ocassion, We went to the house to see the stars. It`s very hard to go out in the night, because the night is very cold, but it`s nice and very silent. We wrapped up warm for a lot, and we went to the Socoroma outside. We were in a viewpoint in the entrace of the town. We could see the stars! In Santiago, is impossible see the stars, because with the urban lights you could`n see nothing. Socoroma don`t has light post in the street, only lanterns in the out doors, so the darkness is big. This photo i love it, because we were very happy, together and very far of the city. Socoroma was a very good experience, and this photo is a one of the beautyful moments. I`ll never forget it.

My last vacation

Really, I don`t remember my last vacation The last summer I was in rancagua. Only I traveled after Chrismas day to see my cousin in Doñihue. The january fisrts days, I began to work in the "fruits". The job were in a packing, where the women selected peach and packing in box. I worked with my sister and two friends, but we with other women were fired because became not much fuits for a lot of workers. I were there only a week, but we went to other packing, called Friomach. In this we began to work in february, and were a very nice place! The personals manager were very nice people, we worked without stress, the lunch was very good. The shift were two: in mornigs (7 am to 3.30 pm) and afternoon (3.30 to 00.30 pm). When I workered the nigth shift I could to woke up very late!, I got up, haved lunch and ran because the bus went witout me!. I hated the monrnigs shift, because were hours very colds and the peaches and plums came wet. Finally, my "vacation" was a good experience, i leaved the job in march, when the universities class began. The money wasn`t a lot, but I bought my favorite things.

My best Friend

My best friend is Connie Viveros. I met her in the school, we were classmate since 1st grade, and friends since 5th grade. She is an amusing person, very nice with all people and me. She is so funny. I like be with her because we talk about all the things and we can talking for hours and we couldn´t stop laughing . I dislike that sometimes she is absent-mindesd, she forget persons or situations, or activities that she would do. But, she always have a smile in her face, and this is the important. She was studies architecture in Valparaiso,she lived whit my two sisters, but she left the university for work. She was away from the own city (Rancagua) for two years, we couldn`t see each other often, but now she is come back, and we come togheter again. Some saturday´s nights, when I be in Rcgua, i go to her house, we buy some soft drink or beers and chips, and we talk for hours. Sometimes weekend nights, we go to pubs and discos, and we back to home togueter, just as when were childs, when we back to home after the school.

