
My career

The anthropology is a social sciense about the study of the humans cultures. Anthropology means "estudy of the the human"or "the men". This career is an investigation to see and develop a work that wish approach to the significance of the culture in the dialogue, rituals, and every that the humans does in the life. This career in the University of Chile is five years long: in the first and second years, is the "common plan", about introduce in the anthropology and its areas of estudy. In the third year, the student choose an especiality (areas of anthropology), that are: Physical anthropology, Archeology, and Social anthropology. This areas of estudy does research about: the body humans, this changes and evolutions; the ancients cultures or "the past" throughout its materials; and the cultures of the actually groups, thats changes, characteristics, problems and all. The anthropology offers diferents areas of reseachs: the anthropology can work in all: you, like anthropology or student, choose your road, you get on in life, the antrhopoly give that technical and knowledge that you need to doing all.

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